On Failure & Opportunity

Recently, an important theme has recurred in my life, and I wanted to share it with you. Let me start by naming some recent developments that I am excited about.

In the first three weeks of 2024, I have:

  • Started working with an amazing virtual assistant who is helping me with the back end of my business.

  • Begun preparing my first digital products, which will be part of a library of tools related to Mental Health and Wellness–  the first of which should be out this spring.

  • Made new additions to my website, including:

    • A space for testimonials– if you would like to add some words about work we have done together, I would LOVE that. This is the link to do so 🙏

    • A Blog page so folks can easily access past newsletters

  • Revamped my schedule so that it allows me time to spend with Mandy and to focus on our goals with the Sanctuary. Mandy is also quite the muse, and time with her inspires a lot of creativity, which I will be sharing with you.

**End humble brag** why am I telling you this?

Well, let’s rewind to the end of 2023 and the beginning of this month. As many people did at that time, I found myself assessing my growth, mostly focusing on my career. 

During this time of self-reflection, when I was in my own head, I found myself focusing on goals I hadn't met, things I hadn't achieved, and places where I felt like I was dropping the ball.

And if you're anything like me, you know that that can quickly spiral into fearful thoughts of never accomplishing these things and feelings of failure.

Big Eeyore Energy, if you will. 

But something was different this time around. I think, as a result of consistent work with my own therapist, regular sessions with my fab business coach, and staying in touch with friends in a similar life-place, there was some new messaging in there that kept me from full spiral-mode.

This time there was a quiet but steady inner-voice that said:

What if these “failures” aren't that at all, what if they are opportunities? What can you do with the space, time, resources, and energy that you now have as a result of those things not [yet] coming to fruition?

On a particularly difficult day at the start of this month, I sent a voice note to my business coach asking for her input. I was moved to hear her reflect back to me, in her own words, the importance of being open to the opportunities that are before me in the wake of what I was currently deciding was failure. 

The connection with trusted others was key and helped me keep moving forward. So, with this weird combo of anxiety and excitement, I got to work.

I invite you to think about this theme if it resonates with you wherever you are in your life: 

In what ways are closed doors, or closed chapters, invitations to explore new opportunities?

If you have circumstances in your life that trigger automatic negative thoughts (ANTs*) and related feelings of shame, worthlessness, hopelessness, failure– is there a way to call back your energy to find the voice that seeks the opportunity in the situation? (*If you struggle with ANTs and would like support from me or to be connected with another provider for this work, do not hesitate to reach out.)

In my case, beyond what I listed at the start of this post, I have felt really good about having more mind and heart space to write these entries. 

It has meant so much to me when you all have reached out to let me know that you're reading them and that they mean something to you. This, in turn, helps fuel my creativity and makes me want to write more of them. 

So thank you and stay connected,
Dr. Rebecca Cohen


Follow Up on ANTs 🐜🐜🐜


Why self-care irks me